Project title

AC2OCEM - Accelerating Carbon Capture using Oxyfuel technology in Cement production 

Project coordinator

Universität Stuttgart

Project leader

Joerg Maier

Project period

Autumn 2019 – autumn 2022

Support from ACT

€ 3 M



AC2OCem will conduct pilot-scale experiments and analytical studies to advance key components of oxyfuel cement plants with the aim of reducing the time to market of the oxyfuel technology in the cement sector.

In AC2OCem, pilot-scale experiments, as well as analytical studies, will be performed to bring the key components of oxyfuel cement plants to TRL6 with the aim of reducing the time to market of the oxyfuel technology in the cement sector. AC²OCem will explore the 1st generation oxyfuel for retrofitting, focusing on optimization of the oxyfuel calciner operation and advancing the kiln burner technology for combusting up to 100 % alternative fuels with high biogenic share to bring this Bio-CCS solution to TRL6.

The experimental investigations will be complemented by retrofitability analysis to support the technology transfer from TRL6-TRL8, considering real boundary conditions from 2 cement plants that are selected by ECRA as potential oxyfuel demo plants. Ultimately, the techno-economic evaluations will prepare a guideline for retrofitting oxyfuel in existing cement plants.

Moreover, within AC²OCem, the innovative 2nd gen. oxyfuel technology for new-build cement plants, in which the flue gas recycle loop is excluded, will be promoted from TRL2-TRL6 in key components. An unprecedented oxyfuel kiln burner for highly enriched up to pure oxygen combustion will be for the first time developed and tested in a pilot-scale facility that replicates cement kiln conditions. A novel process design for the 2nd gen. oxyfuel technology, associated with high cost-saving potentials, will be introduced. This process design will be optimized and subsequently assessed economically through a techno-economic feasibility study.

The outcome of this techno-economic benchmarking will support the cement industry on how to proceed with decarbonization of the cement sector using the oxyfuel technology. AC²OCem will encompass the environmental sustainability aspects of oxyfuel technologies for retrofitted and new-build cement plants by conducting life cycle assessments.

Results will be exploited and disseminated within the CCS community and the cement industry to maximize the project’s impact.


Presentation, 1-slide teaser shown at the 4th ACT Knowledge Sharing Workshop 6-7 November 2019


Project title

ACTOM - ACT on Offshore Monitoring 

Project coordinator

University of Bergen

Project leader

Guttorm Alendal  

Project period

Autumn 2019 – autumn 2022

Support from ACT

€ 1.5 M

Web site


The ACTOM project will work to advance offshore monitoring of stored CO2 by building a unique web-based toolkit designed to optimize monitoring programs for offshore geological storage sites.

The research proposed in ACTOM will work for the advancement of offshore monitoring to ensure alignment of CO2 storage projects with national and international regulations and societal concerns. An interdisciplinary consortium will apply methods to critically assess secure storage as this technology becomes implemented internationally as a key greenhouse gas emissions reductions strategy.

The project team will build a web-based toolkit that will, for the first time, collect algorithms for designing optimal monitoring programs for offshore geological storage sites. Routines related to detecting subtle signals of a leak in a highly varying environment will be implemented in the toolkit. Through the interdisciplinary approach, the tool will assist operators in their pre-operational phase in defining assurance monitoring programs that are aligned with regulations. The inevitable uncertainties in all measurements will be assessed, and methods on how to quantify and represent them will be recommended.

Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) is an approach to anticipate and assess implications and expectations of new technologies grounded in the humanities and social sciences, a framework increasingly being used in marine environmental studies and in biotechnology and innovation. For the first time this framework will be used on CCUS, considering the technology in view of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. In an extension of this, potential legal conflicts between storage projects, and between storage projects and other uses of the seas, will be addressed in view of Marine Spatial Planning. We will explore the utility of the web-based toolkit to provide evaluated assessments of assurance monitoring as an aid to demonstrate RRI.


 Presentation 1-slide summary and poster shown at the 4th ACT Knowledge Sharing Workshop 6-7 November 2019.


Project title

ANICA - Advanced Indirectly Heated Carbonate Looping Process

Project coordinator

Technische Universität Darmstadt

Project leader

Jochen Ströhle  

Project period

Autumn 2019 – autumn 2022

Support from ACT

€ 2.4 M

Web site


The ANICA project will develop a novel indirectly heated carbonate looping (IHCaL) process for lowering the energy penalty and CO2 avoidance costs for CO2 capture from lime and cement plants.

The project will develop a novel technology with very low energy penalty and costs - namely the indirectly heated carbonate looping (IHCaL) process - for CO2 capture from lime and cement plants.

The IHCaLprocess using lime-based sorbents has the potential of a low energy penalty since the process operates at high temperatures (> 650 °C), which allows utilization of heat for power production in a highly efficient steam cycle. The heat for sorbent regeneration is generated in an external air-fired combustor, and the heat is transferred to the calciner by
heat pipes.

The IHCaL process avoids the need of oxygen, further decreasing the energy penalty compared to standard CaL. IHCaL has many advantages compared to other CO2 capture technologies, such as low energy penalty, low CO2 avoidance costs, and an environmentally benign sorbent (i.e. natural limestone) that can be used as raw material for industrial processes (such as cement and lime plants).

The central work package WP1 develops concepts for integrating IHCaL into lime and cement plants. In a 1st step, these process concepts are based on existing knowledge/models and are used to define the operating conditions for pilot test in WP2. The experimental data of these pilot tests are used for validation of 1D and 3D models for the IHCaL reactors
that are developed in WP3. WP3 also includes the development of novel concepts to optimize the IHCaL reactor systems.

The validated models and novel concepts from WP3 are fed back to WP1 in order to further optimize the process concepts for integrating IHCaL in a 2nd step. The updated heat & mass balances are used for the assessment of these process concepts with respect to risks, techno-economics, and environmental impact in WP4. The process and reactor
concepts are further used for the basic design of a 20 MWth demonstration plant in WP5 and WP6.

The results of the project are disseminated and exploited in WP7. Project management is done in WP8.


Presentation and 1-slide summary shown at the 4th ACT Knowledge Sharing Workshop 6-7 November 2019.


Project title

DigiMon - Digital Monitoring of CO2 storage projects 

Project coordinator


Project leader

Arvid Nøttvedt  

Project period

Autumn 2019 – autumn 2022

Support from ACT

€ 5 M

Web site


The DigiMon project aims to develop and demonstrate an affordable, flexible, and intelligent digital monitoring early-warning system, for monitoring any CO2 storage reservoir and subsurface barrier system receiving captured CO2.

Key component of any CCS project is measurement, monitoring and verification (MMV), which must demonstrate that projects are planned and executed in a societally acceptable and cost-effective manner, ensuring safety and security. DigiMon aims to develop and demonstrate an affordable, flexible, societally embedded and smart Digital Monitoring
early-warning system, for monitoring any CO2 storage reservoir and subsurface barrier system receiving CO2 from fossil fuel power plants, oil refineries, process plants and other industries.

The DigiMon project involves development and integration of system components, available at intermediate-high Technology Readiness Levels (TRLs). It will develop the system components to a uniformly high TRL, prior to integration of components into the DigiMon early-warning system.

One of the most critical R&D challenges lies at the heart of this project - integrating a broad range of technologies for MMV at CO2 storage sites (i.e. distributed fibre-optic sensing technology (DxS), seismic point sensors and gravimetry). Combined with ethernet-based digital communication and near real-time, web-based smart data processing software,
DigiMon presents a novel, cost-efficient early-warning solution for monitoring CO2 storage reservoirs and subsurface barrier systems. In addition, it uniquely considers the possibilities of monitoring technologies for CCS from the point
of view of societal acceptability, trust and benefit. Such a system is desired by, but not yet available to, the CCS industry and other industries exploiting subsurface resources.

A strong international, interdisciplinary consortium with leading research institutions and industry representatives from Norway, the Netherlands, Germany, UK, USA, Romania and Greece has been established, supported by implementation partners. This will maximise the potential for the dissemination of project outcomes and provides direct routes for industrial implementation of the DigiMon system.


Presentation and 1-slide summary shown at the 4th ACT Knowledge Sharing Workshop 6-7 November 2019.


Project title

FUNMIN - Fundamental Studies of Mineral Carbonation with Application to CO2 Sequestration 

Project coordinator

University of London

Project leaders

Devis di Tommaso 

Gregg Chass 

Project period

Autumn 2019 – autumn 2022

Support from ACT

€ 0.7 M

Web site


The FUNMIN project aims to optimise the process of CO2 mineralisation into Magnesite (MgCO3) by combining simulation and experimental techniques to identify the key factors for catalysing the formation of MgCO3 under mild, non-hazardous, and non-toxic conditions.

Mineralization carbonation, a process whereby CO2 is chemically reacted with magnesium- and/or calcium-containing minerals, is an achievable CCUS solution for the transformation of CO2 into added-value carbonate products, for the cement and agricultural sectors. Vast amounts of magnesium (Mg) silicate minerals and Mg-rich industrial wastes exist worldwide that may be carbonated, with magnesite (MgCO3) as a stable and environmentally harmless product.

The main challenge for speeding up CO2 utilisation via mineralization as a cost-effective CCUS technology, is the slow rate of mineral from solution, Magnesite in particular. FUNMIN is an industry-driven project focusing on discovering & optimizing conditions for speeding up MgCO3 formation.

The aim of FUNMIN is to optimise the process of CO2 mineralisation into anhydrous MgCO3, actioned from the most evolved simulations & empirical determinations worldwide of the molecular events surrounding MgCO3 formation.

FUNMIN is an industrial-academic collaboration between Cambridge Carbon Capture, which is developing CO2 mineralization technologies, and leading academics with a record of accomplishment in the investigation of the fundamental aspects of crystal growth & nucleation using simulation & experimental techniques: atomistic methods (Queen Mary, London), geochemical modelling (Utrecht), neutron scattering (Queen Mary), spectroscopy (Grenoble), imaging (Granada), structural analysis (Oviedo).

By combining simulations and experimental techniques, FUNMIN proposes an in-depth investigation of the fundamental mechanism controlling aqueous MgCO3 formation.  This knowledge will evolve the current state-of-the-art in mineral carbonation, and lead to the identification of factors catalysing MgCO3 formation. The development & optimisation of CO2 mineralization technologies under mild, non-hazardous, and non-toxic conditions will facilitate the emergence of CCUS technologies, in accordance with the objectives of the ACT call.


Presentation, 1-slide summary and poster shown at the 4th ACT Knowledge Sharing Workshop 6-7 November 2019.


Project title

LAUNCH - Lowering absorption process uncertainty, risks and costs by predicting and controlling amine degradation 

Project coordinator


Project leader

Peter van Os  

Project period

Autumn 2019 – autumn 2022

Support from ACT

€ 5.1 M

Web site


The LAUNCH project will accelerate CO2 capture technologies by establishing a faster and more cost effective method to predict and control the degradation of next generation solvents.

The LAUNCH project will accelerate the implementation of CCUS by solving one of the main hurdles for scale up. Solvent degradation is a known drawback of using chemical absorbents, as it leads to increased cost due to solvent replacement, liquid waste treatment and the adoption of costly gas treatment strategies to avoid the emissions of unwanted compounds, as well as increased corrosion.

LAUNCH is divided into seven work-packages:
1. WP1 Predicting degradation
2. WP2 Controlling degradation
3. WP3 Closing degradation knowledge gaps
4. WP4 Development of LAUNCH solvent qualification program
5. WP5 Demonstration of LAUNCH solvent qualification program
6. WP6 Techno-economic evaluation
7. WP0 Management, dissemination and exploitation
These coherent WPs are strongly interconnected through intensive exchange of data and models. The solvents tested within LAUNCH cover 1st, 2nd and 3rd generation solvents. The work will be undertaken with at least 10 open-access solvents, which is critical to allow reference to a large amount of previous work and data. Moreover, working with open-access solvents guarantees that results can be published, and samples be made available for wider use. Both the testing methods and the countermeasures that will be assessed are, however, applicable for a much wider range of solvents, including commercial, proprietary amines. This will be demonstrated by adding 2nd and 3rd generation solvents to the testing pool.

The Advisory Board (AB), comprising solvent developers amongst other stakeholders, have overseen the solvent selection, and agree that it is representative of relevant chemistry for commercial applications. This early stage involvement of the AB is key to ensure the relevance of the LAUNCH project, and therefore increase the likelihood that the developed methodologies and tools will be implemented in the industry.


Presentation, 1-slide summary and poster shown at the 4th ACT Knowledge Sharing Workshop 6-7 November 2019.


Project title

MemCCSea - Innovative membrane systems for CO2 capture and storage at sea 

Project coordinator


Project leader

George Skevis  

Project period

Autumn 2019 – autumn 2022

Web site

Support from ACT

€ 1.7 M


The MemCCSea project will work to develop hyper compact membrane systems for cost-effective and flexible operation of post-combustion CO2 capture in maritime applications such as on floating vessels used by the offshore oil and gas industry.

The MemCCSea proposal aims at developing hyper compact membrane systems for flexible operational and cost-effective post-combustion CO2 capture in maritime applications, including Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) carrier ships and floating vessels (FSRU and FPSO) used by the offshore oil and gas industry.

The ultimate goal of the project is to provide a feasible design and pilot demonstration capable to achieve higher than the state-of-the-art performance, meeting the following key targets: recovery of the main engine CO2 emissions greater than 90%, overall CO2 emissions reduction (including added emissions by the capture plant and utilities) greater than 50%, a-10 fold reduction of system volume and a reduction of operating costs greater than 25% compared to conventional amine-based scrubbing systems.

The key technological challenge of the MemCCSea proposal is the development of customized compact carbon capture and separation membrane systems and potential CO2 storage options, taking into account the unique challenges posed by the maritime environment, stringent safety requirements and the need for energy efficiency. Two types of innovative membrane-based CO2 capture technologies will be investigated (Ceramic Gas-Liquid Membrane Contactors and Polymeric Mixed Matrix Membrane Permeators) and the developed systems will be evaluated and optimized in laboratory-and pilot-scale experimental facilities and through extensive modelling and simulation at component and system levels.

At the end of the project both membrane technologies will attain the goal of TRL 5-6. Process simulation activities will evaluate the feasibility of these technologies at TRL 7, while model-based assessment will explore the applicability of the proposed solution at TRL 8-9.

The MemCCSea project results will be fully transferable to other CO2 capture applications, will contribute to the fight against global warming and will enable the maritime transport sector to meet future stringent regulations.



Project title

NEWEST-CCUS - Negative Emissions in the Waste to Energy Sector: Technologies for CCS

Project coordinator

University of Edinburgh

Project leader

Mathieu Lucquiaud  

Project period

Autumn 2019 – autumn 2022

Support from ACT

€ 2.2 M

Web site


The NEWEST-CCUS project aims to accelerate the deployment of CCS in the European Waste to Energy (WtE) sector and develop guidelines for the selection of robust, fuel flexible technologies resistant to Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) impurities. The project will also and assess the size of the WtE CCS market to create regional roadmaps.

The focus of the NEWEST-CCUS project is on an emerging market for CO2 capture for the Waste to Energy (WtE) Sector.
Waste to Energy is a growing sector across Europe in the context of phasing out landfill sites, with a yet to be characterised potential for negative emissions. NEWEST-CCUS will derisk promising technologies for CO2 capture at WtE plants and deliver a reliable methodology for accounting for negative emissions associated with successful implementation of CCUS in the WtE sector.

Ultimately, NEWEST-CCUS aims to deliver European innovation that will establish CCUS for WtE as a substantial contributor to global climate change mitigation. Expanding the range of fuel sources that are ready to use in combination with CCUS will create high quality jobs and respond to climate change concerns.

The innovation focus is on progressing TRL of several promising technologies for WtE sites with a combination of pilot-scale testing and modelling. In particular, the project will focus on developing:

  • Oxy-firing technologies, focussing on developing circulating fluidized bed technology with a potential for higher efficiency with Solid Recovered Fuels when compared with grate fired boilers typically used for WtE combustion;

  • Membrane based CO2 separation, considering also its combination as a hybrid method using partial flue gas recirculation and oxygen enrichment; and

  • Solvent-based post-combustion capture and, in particular, knowledge and technologies that address the need to handle a more diverse range of combustion impurities in challenging fuel flue gases associated with typical WtE plants.

Additionally, a comparative assessment of these technologies will provide key metrics for the sector, policymakers, regulators and technology developers.


Presentation and 1-slide summary shown at the 4th ACT Knowledge Sharing Workshop 6-7 November 2019.


Project title

PrISMa - Process-Informed design of tailor-made Sorbent Materials for energy efficient carbon capture 

Project coordinator

Heriot-Watt University

Project leader

Susana Garcia  

Project period

Autumn 2019 – autumn 2022

Support from ACT

€ 2.1 M

Web site


The PrISMa project aims to integrate molecular science and process engineering to develop a technology platform that allows for customized carbon capture solutions to optimal separation for a range of different CO2 sources and CO2 use/destination options.

Common to all Carbon Capture Utilisation and Storage (CCUS) efforts is the need to separate CO2 from other gasses. We thus envision a marked need for capture technologies that can be optimized for a large number of different sources of CO2 and integrated in an equally diverse range of applications of CO2 as a feedstock.

Sorbent-based capture technologies have the potential to significantly reduce the energy penalty (OPEX) and equipment costs (CAPEX) when compared with state-of-the art amine-based liquid capture processes. However, promising materials must be assessed and modelled at a process level as they play a key role in the energy efficiency and economics of capture processes. The integration between molecular science and process engineering is a significant gap of knowledge which hinders the realisation of many novel promising materials beyond lab scale testing.

The PrISMa project aims to achieve this integration by uniting the efforts from four complimentary multidisciplinary leading teams from Heriot-Watt University (HWU) in the UK, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) in Switzerland, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) in the USA, and SINTEF Energy Research (SINTEF-ER) in Norway to bridge the gap between molecular science and process engineering by developing process-informed tailor-made materials for a wide range of different carbon sources and sinks.

The team is supported by industrial partners to maximise knowledge exchange and impact of the project outcomes.


Presentation and poster shown at the 4th ACT Knowledge Sharing Workshop 6-7 November 2019.


Project title

REX-CO2 - Reusing existing wells for CO2 storage operations

Project coordinator


Project leader

Maartje Koning

Project period

Autumn 2019 – autumn 2022

Support from ACT

€ 2.5 M

Web site


The REX-CO2 project will develop a procedure and tools for evaluating the re-use potential of existing hydrocarbon wells for CO2 storage to help stakeholders make informed decisions on the potential of certain wells or fields for CO2 storage.

Existing oil and gas industry installations which cover large parts of the potential CCS chain are already in place, and an increasing number of reservoirs have come to the end of their production lifetime and are earmarked as major targets for initiating large-scale CCUS operations (DOE, 2017).

The existing wells in these assets present both opportunity and challenges. Substantial savings could be realized by re-using these wells as CO2 injectors, monitoring wells, or for water production (pressure management). On the other hand, the existing well infrastructure poses a risk as a potential CO2 or brine leakage pathway (Watson and Bachu, 2009).

In this proposal, we take a fresh look at this problem and provide a novel solution. The re-use of wells is the inverse of the problem of identifying defective wells. The process of certifying well integrity can also be used to identify wells suitable for continued use in a CO2-rich environment. We develop a qualification process that will simultaneously save CO2 storage projects money and time by identifying existing infrastructure that is safe to re-use, while determining which wells must be remediated to ensure long-term storage.

Re-use can benefit projects in all geological settings but may be particularly crucial for off-shore environments, such as the North Sea or the Gulf of Mexico, where well development costs could otherwise be prohibitive. Developing a procedure and tools for evaluating the reuse potential of existing hydrocarbon fields and wells will require a dedicated investigation encompassing the interrelated technical, environmental, economic and social aspects.

Currently no such publicly available tool exists. For this project, we conduct the necessary research to develop a dedicated well-screening tool for Reusing EXisting Wells for CO2 storage operations (REX-CO2).


Presentation and 1-slide summary shown at the 4th ACT Knowledge Sharing Workshop 6-7 November 2019.

First Year Newsletter


Project title

SENSE - Assuring integrity of CO2 storage sites through ground surface monitoring 

Project coordinator

Norwegian Geotechnical Institute

Project leader

Bahman Bohloli

Project period

Autumn 2019 – autumn 2022

Support from ACT

€ 2.7 M

Web site


The SENSE project will utilise new technologies and optimized data processing to develop reliable and cost-efficient monitoring programs based on ground movement detection combined with geomechanical modelling and inversion techniques.

In order for CCS to have a significant impact on climate targets, CO2 on the order of Giga-tons need to be captured and stored per year. Monitoring a vast number of geological CO2 storage sites in an efficient way is crucial for scaling up CO2 storage, verify site behavior and enable storage site closure.  

The SENSE proposal will develop reliable and cost-efficient monitoring based on ground movement detection combined with geomechanical modeling, inversion, utilizing new technologies and optimizing data processing. The goal of this project is to demonstrate how ground surface movement can be used as an integral part of the monitoring program to effectively verify safe storage of CO2 underground.

The proposed activities are focused on demonstration sites both onshore and offshore and includes:

  1. demonstration of continuous monitoring of surface deformation and subsurface pressure distribution using satellite data, inclinometers, pressure sensors, fiber optics and seafloor geodesy,

  2. develop quantitative characterization of geomechanical and hydraulic parameters through automation of data processing and

  3. optimization of sampling arrays to provide cost-effective monitoring.

The main findings will offer operators a cost-effective monitoring option that can form part of an effective monitoring program and feed into workflows for early alert system for unexpected changes in the subsurface. Successful utilization of onshore surface heave data and correlation with geomechanical models has been demonstrated for InSalah.

The current proposal will provide knowledge transfer from the onshore demonstrations to offshore application. Integration, optimization and automatization of existing technologies together with new fiber optic solutions for seabed movement detection has the potential for cost efficient and accurate monitoring. Hence, the SENSE project answers directly to the Priority Research Directions for CO2 storage, highlighted by Mission Innovation CCUS 2017


Presentation, 1-slide summary and poster shown at the 4th ACT Knowledge Sharing Workshop 6-7 November 2019.


Project title

SUCCEED - Synergetic Utilisation of CO2 storage Coupled with geothermal Energy Deployment 

Project coordinator

Imperial College London

Project leader

Sevket Durucan  

Project period

Autumn 2019 – autumn 2022

Support from ACT

€ 2.5 M

Web site


The SUCCEED project will research and demonstrate at pilot scale the feasibility of utilising produced
CO2 for re-injection in a geothermal field to maintain and enhance reservoir pressure and improve performance, while also storing the produced CO2 that would typically be vent to the atmosphere under standard geothermal

Although it is widely assumed that geothermal energy is clean zero-emission and renewable, most geothermal energy plants emit carbon dioxide. Besides its main focus on CO2 utilisation and storage, SUCCEED also proposes to test and demonstrate, at pilot scale, the state-of-the-art measurement, monitoring and verification technologies that can be used in
geothermal fields where CO2 is injected into the reservoir either in supercritical state, or as dissolved gas in the re-injected geothermal fluid as currently practised at the Hellisheidi field in Iceland.

Ultimately, it is aimed at developing and demonstrating an effective CCS/CCUS technology that facilitates significant
climate mitigation benefits for the geothermal energy sector and to allow this sector to benefit commercially from its deployment.

An existing well at the active geothermal power generation site Kizildere, Turkey will be used to inject produced and captured, but mostly vented to the atmosphere, CO2 into the reservoir at supercritical state. In addition, the site will provide the only functioning field-scale pilot project of supercritical CO2 injection into a geothermal field in a
carbonate reservoir system with unique opportunities for testing & developing innovative monitoring systems. The second project site is the Hellisheidi geothermal field, Iceland where industrial scale CO2 injection and permanent mineral storage in basalts has been practised since 2014. 

Project sites provide the opportunity for testing and further development of the new and novel vibratory-type seismic sources; a new higher signal/noise ratio iDAS (distributed acoustic sensing by dense receiver array) that provides data for layer-specific seismic monitoring capability in the borehole for CCS/CCUS and geothermal applications.

The project will also take advantage of data from a local seismic network at Hellisheidi and help develop further insights into the potential for injection induced seismicity in geothermal fields.


Presentation and 1-slide summary shown at the 4th ACT Knowledge Sharing Workshop 6-7 November 2019.