RETURN Final Workshop
to Dec 18

RETURN Final Workshop

The ACT 3 RETURN Project organizes an end-of-year workshop in Brussels, lunch to lunch 17th – 18th December. The project has had as its objective to enable cold CO2 injection in depleted oil and gas reservoirs. It is a very timely theme considering the development of the Porthos and Aramis projects offshore the NL, and gaining momentum in the UK and elsewhere where depleted fields are beginning to share the limelight with saline aquifers.  

In the workshop we will briefly present results and recommendations from the multi-disciplinary project and discuss the way forward in light of the NZIA and the ambitious targets of the EU. We have secured presentations from DG Clima (D. Kitscha), DG Ener (O. Langa), ZEP (E. Pernod), GSB (A. Tovar), NSTA UK (C. Porter), CO2GeoNet (J. de Reus), and Bellona (C. Ringstad). There will be a panel discussion with all the above on day 2. 

 For registration please follow the link: . The event will be hybrid (in person and online). 

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ACT Cementegrity Concluding Ceminar.
2:00 PM14:00

ACT Cementegrity Concluding Ceminar.

For three years, the ACT-funded project CEMENTEGRITY has investigated the durability of wellbore sealants, based on Portland Cement and other binder technologies, when exposed to deleterious conditions encountered during CO2-injection and storage. In this webinar, we will present the key findings of the full project.

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ACT LOUISE project webinar: Accelerating energy sector decarbonisation through waste-derived fuels and CCS technology
9:00 AM09:00

ACT LOUISE project webinar: Accelerating energy sector decarbonisation through waste-derived fuels and CCS technology

Accelerating the decarbonisation of the energy sector will require innovative solutions. 

This webinar, hosted by the ACT LOUISE project, will explore the possibility of substituting fossil fuels with waste-derived alternatives, and applying oxyfuel and chemical looping combustion (CLC) technologies in the waste-to-energy (WtE) sector as a means of capturing CO2 emissions. 

More details and registration form available here.

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EverLoNG webinar - ship based carbon capture
12:00 AM00:00

EverLoNG webinar - ship based carbon capture

The EverLoNG CCUS project aims to encourage the uptake of ship-based carbon capture (SBCC) by demonstrating its use on board liquified natural gas (LNG)-fuelled ships and moving it closer to market readiness.

A webinar on 25 June 2024 will present a first test campaign for carbon capture onboard a ship

Read more and sign up at the EverLoNG website

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ACT Cementegrity - Third Open Ceminar
1:30 PM13:30

ACT Cementegrity - Third Open Ceminar

The partners in the CEMENTEGRITY project invite you to an Open Ceminar, where results from the project will be presented. The goal of Cementegrity is to identify key properties that ensure long-term integrity of wellbore sealing materials, as well as suitable methods for measuring these properties. More details and registration here.

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CATO webinar, ‘Impact of the Net Zero Industry Act (NZIA) on the CCUS ecosystem’
2:00 PM14:00

CATO webinar, ‘Impact of the Net Zero Industry Act (NZIA) on the CCUS ecosystem’

We all recognize that the EU Green deal has high ambitions and poses many challenges for the EU industry. The Net Zero Industry Act (NZIA) plays an important role in achieving these ambitions. The technology of CCUS has been recognized as one of the technologies that can help industries achieve their targets.

Following a successful CCUS focus group session at the Energy Reinvented Community event in November, whereby we discussed the impact of the NZIA on the CCUS ecosystem, we have decided to discuss this topic again during the next CATO webinar, which will be held on Monday December 11th from 14:00-15:00. More specifically, during the webinar, we will discuss the different topics of the NZIA in more detail. Also, future outlook and funding opportunities from EU/Brussels perspective will be shared.  

The agenda will look as follow:

-  Introduction by Brigitte Jacobs (CATO Director)
-  Details of the Net Zero Industry Act (NZIA) for players in the CCUS ecosystem by Zoe Kapetaki of TNO
-  Update Net Zero Industry Act (NZIA) from EU/Brussels perspective by Codie Rossi of Clean Air Task Force.




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Free MOOC on Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) and climate change
3:00 PM15:00

Free MOOC on Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) and climate change

SCCS (Scottish Carbon Capture Storage) is launching a live-moderated run of its world-leading, free course on Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) and climate change starting on the 21 November. 

The 5-week course, developed and delivered by leading academics at the University of Edinburgh requires no prior knowledge of the subject. The live-moderated run will take place at the same time as COP28, and will empower individuals to understand the vital role of CCS technologies for achieving net zero. 

Registration is open for English and Chinese versions of the course on the EdX and Coursera platforms.

Please help us spread the word on your social media channels/newsletter etc and share with your extended networks.

If you require further details don’t hesitate to contact the course organiser, Dr Erika Palfi ( 

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ENSURE/SHARP Public acceptance and communication of CCS workshop
9:00 AM09:00

ENSURE/SHARP Public acceptance and communication of CCS workshop

There will be a very exiting workshop on public acceptance and communication of CCS, including not only the dissemination of the results of the survey from the ENSURE project, but also inviting speakers with abundant experience in public outreach (Klaus Grosfeld, AWI), public perception from the industry viewpoint (Onno van Kessel, Shell), effective communication towards policy makers (Pauline Kruiver, KNMI) and cooperation of research projects with NGO’s (Hanna Biro, Bellona).

The program including information on how to register for the workshop is available here.

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1:00 AM01:00

Accelerating safe CCS through targeted experimental campaigns

You are kindly invited to the joint webinar “Accelerating safe CCS through targeted experimental campaigns - a joint webinar by ACT RETURN, Cementegrity and SHARP”.

 During this webinar, three ACT3-funded projects aimed at accelerating safe geological disposal of CO2 will present their progress and expected results. For more information, and to register for the event, please follow the link below.

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to Jul 27

The Clearwater Clean Energy Conference

The Clearwater Clean Energy Conference has drawn attendees from around the globe to Clearwater, Florida, since 1989. This conference provides essential information to power generators who must meet the pressures of energy utilization in the 21st century. This conference has earned a reputation for excellence as one of the premier conferences on energy technologies as it has grown in size and scope since its inception in 1975. Increased demand – coupled with energy security issues and uncertainty in the oil sector – make this conference a must for those involved in all aspects of power generation who must meet the competitive pressures and ongoing environmental concerns. The technical sessions, short courses, and panels offer cutting-edge developments dealing with technical solutions to problems; specific strategies; projects; innovations; industry trends; and/or regulatory compliance will be offered. The program presents an extensive overview of emerging, evolving, and innovative technologies, fuels, and/or equipment in the power generation industry. The conference committee seeks papers from all countries worldwide.

Read more.

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ACT Cementegrity Open Seminar
2:00 PM14:00

ACT Cementegrity Open Seminar

The partners in the CEMENTEGRITY project invite you to an Open Ceminar, where results from the project will be presented. The goal of Cementegrity is to identify key properties that ensure long-term integrity of wellbore sealing materials, as well as suitable methods for measuring these properties. More details and registration here

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Event on Geological Storage of Carbon Dioxide - CO2, 1 March 2023, Athens
9:30 PM21:30

Event on Geological Storage of Carbon Dioxide - CO2, 1 March 2023, Athens

In the framework of the project ACT-DigiMon «Digital Monitoring of CO2 storage projects», the Centre for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving (CRES) organizes an event entitled «Sequestration, Transport, Geological Storage and Use of CO2» which will be held with physical presence at the Cultural Centre of the University of Athens «Kostis Palamas», on Wednesday, 1 March 2023 in the morning (hours 9:30-14:30 EET). Read more and register here

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CLIMIT summit 2023, 7-9 February 2023, Larvik
to Feb 9

CLIMIT summit 2023, 7-9 February 2023, Larvik

The CLIMIT Programme is Norway’s national programme for research, development and demonstration of CO2 capture and storage technology (CCS). In the summit there will be a presentation of exciting CLIMIT-supported projects, as well as news on other areas of CCS and an update on the Norwegian CCS project, Longship.Read more here

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NEWEST-CCUS project webinars, 25/1/2023 & 8/2/2023
12:00 PM12:00

NEWEST-CCUS project webinars, 25/1/2023 & 8/2/2023


This webinar presents a comparative techno-economic assessment of emerging and close to commercial CO2 capture technologies in the Waste to Energy Sector (amine solvents, membranes and oxy-fired circulating fluidised bed). It also presents a case study of a UK Waste to Energy plant, in terms of energy performance and Life Cycle Assessment. An assessment of the potential for creating negative emissions in the European Waste to Energy Sector will be followed by recommendations for stakeholders and policymakers. There will be an opportunity to ask questions after each talk.

For more information including the agenda, and to register for the event click here

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Newest CCUS Webinar 2, Carbon Capture and Storage for Waste to Energy: Evaluating climate impacts and technologies
12:00 PM12:00

Newest CCUS Webinar 2, Carbon Capture and Storage for Waste to Energy: Evaluating climate impacts and technologies

This webinar presents a comparative techno-economic assessment of emerging and close to commercial CO2 capture technologies in the Waste to Energy Sector (amine solvents, membranes and oxy-fired circulating fluidised bed). It also presents a case study of a UK Waste to Energy plant, in terms of energy performance and Life Cycle Assessment. An assessment of the potential for creating negative emissions in the European Waste to Energy Sector will be followed by recommendations for stakeholders and policymakers. There will be an opportunity to ask questions after each talk.

For more information including the agenda, and to register for the event click here


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