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Zero Emission with Hydrogen NOW

On behalf of SINTEF and the European research project ‘ELEGANCY’, Chris Davies MEP has the pleasure of inviting you to attend a luncheon discussion in the European Parliament on Wednesday 29 January at 12.30 – 14.30 in room ASP 5G1 – in the Alterio Spinelli Building.

Please register here  by 21 January


  1. Welcome by Chris Davies MEP

  2. Clean Hydrogen: Unleashing production and infrastructure for a net zero emission Europe. By Dr. Nils A. Røkke, Executive Vice President Sustainability, SINTEF

  3. Hydrogen from the industrial perspective: Transformation of German gas infrastructure to decarbonise energy systems using Hydrogen as a clean energy carrier. By Dr. Ing. Baktash Nasiri, Project Manager Hydrogen Business Development, Uniper Energy Storage GmbH

  4. Green Deal for Europe – Commission’s policies for decarbonisation of Industry
    By Ms Ditte Juul-Jørgensen, Director-General, DG Energy of the European Commission, tbc

  5. Fast-tracking pathways for clean Hydrogen – Legal and policy frameworks for redesigning gas markets. By Dr. Catherine Banet, Associate Professor, University of Oslo, Project Management Team, Elegancy