News from the ACT4 Call

ACT received 16 applications to the ACT4 call, which closed on 12 September 2022. There is a good contribution of participation by ACT funding countries/regions: Alberta province of Canada, Germany, India, Norway, and the USA.

The Projects were encouraged to target issues defined by:

• The SET-Plan CCS and CCU Implementation Plan

• Mission Innovation Research Priorities

The projects ask in total for € 29 M funding from ACT, which is twice the available budget. The applications will be evaluated and ranked according to procedures described in the ACT4 call text. A common decision on funding will be made by the involved funding agencies and the decision will be communicated to the applicants by the Call Secretariat at the Research Council of Norway in December 2022. The successful projects are foreseen to start early 2023.

Possibilities for funding projects within the CCUS domain and Hydrogen & Renewable fuels

ACT funders and collaborators have new opportunities for funding in the domain of CCU and Hydrogen and renewable fuels. The Clean Energy Transition Partnership (CETP) is a multilateral and strategic partnership of national and regional research, development and innovation (RDI) programmes in European Member States and Associated Countries aiming to boost and accelerate the energy transition and to support the implementation of the European Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET Plan). It will launch its first call on 13 September 2022. Read more here and here

CCUS Event, 8-10 June, Rotterdam, Presentations

A high level conference and CCUS event, co-organised by CATO, the Norwegian Embassy in The Hague, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy and ACT, was held in Rotterdam. One day was dedicated to the ACT2 and ACT3 projects, when they presented their progress. Please find project presentations and presentations on the “Development, Challenges and Opportunities for CCUS in Europe’s fight against climate change” here and a brief report of the meeting here

CCUS in Europe’s fight against climate change, Rotterdam, 8-10 June 2022-SAVE THE DATE

On 8, 9 & 10 June 2022, CATO, the Norwegian Embassy in The Hague, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy and ERANET-ACT will jointly organize a two-day CCUS conference and an excursion, to discuss the development, challenges and opportunities for CCUS in Europe’s fight against climate change. Read more here

Sixth EAGE Workshop on CO2 Geological Storage, 4 - 6 April, 2022, London, UK

To meet the Paris Agreement’s ambition on tackling climate change, large scale implementation of CarbonCapture and Storage (CCS) is considered essential. This has been investigated in several research initiatives during the last decade and the objective of this workshop is to present key advances made, discuss remaining technology gaps and review a way forward. This event is organized with the essential support of the EAGE technical committee members, i.e. industry specialists within the event topic's area. Read more here

ACT ERANET under H2020 has ended - Final Reports available

ACT has now successfully completed 5 years of a productive and collaborative trajectory and has officially ended as a European Commission Initiative. ACT as a transnational funding scheme and knowledge sharing platform for CCUS projects and results was conceived in 2015. It was officially kicked off in early 2016 as a five-year initiative between funding partners from 9 countries as an ERANET scheme under H2020. Since then, the ACT consortium has grown to 16 countries/regions (including the USA, the Alberta region in Canada and India). In these years, ACT has succeeded in providing great results, impacting on the CCUS scientific community, the industry and society. The  Final Deliverables to the European Commission can give an overview and a detailed report on what ACT has envisaged and what it has achieved so far. The follow-up, monitoring and close interaction with the running projects will however continue. The ACT2-projects end in the autumn 2022/winter 2023 and the ACT3-projects will end in the autumn 2024/winter 2025.

D1.4 The ACT Final Report

D4.4 Evaluation Report on Project Results

D7.2 Collaboration with European CCUS Initiatives

D5.3 Evaluation Report on Communication

23&24 November 2021, CCUS conference on Development, Challenges and Opportunities for CCUS in Europe’s fight against climate change-Postponed until Spring 2022

On 23-24 November 2021, CATO, the Norwegian Embassy in The Hague, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy and ACT, will jointly organize a two-day CCUS conference in which the development, challenges and opportunities for CCUS in Europe’s fight against climate change will be discussed. Read more here. Please check for any updates here

ACT in the CETP (Clean Energy Transition Partnership) Dialogue series

ACT kicked off the Clean Energy Transition Partnership Programme Dialogues on 15 January 2021. The Clean Energy Transition Partnership (CETP) will be a multilateral and strategic partnership of national and regional RDI programmes in European Countries and beyond, with the aim to accelerate innovation by joining forces internationally. The CETP will start in 2022 and will build on existing H2020 ERANETs. This Programme Dialogues series aims to highlight existing collaborations and good practices, mainly in existing ERANETs. The recording is available on youtube here

LAUNCH Webinar 2 on CO2 Degradation Database-collecting datasets for solvent R&D, 15 April 2021, 11-12 p.m. CEST

LAUNCH project organises its second webinar to introduce the new LAUNCH CO2 Degradation Database, which will share information and analytics on CO2 capture solvent degradation derived from their own solvent testing programme but also from other solvent-testing campaigns.  


The LAUNCH project aims to improve the efficiency and economics of CO2 capture systems to support the growth of a CCUS industry and enable Europe's energy and industrial sectors to decarbonise.  


This event is open to all CCUS stakeholders but, in particular, those who will contribute to and/or use LAUNCH datasets, such as industry and project developers. 


Please share this invitation with any colleagues, groups or networks who may be interested in joining us. You can also help us promote the event by sharing on social media – Twitter @launchccus and LinkedIn: