Welcome to the ACT Knowledge Sharing Workshop 16-17 November 2020

The ACT consortium will organise the 5th annual ACT Knowledge Sharing Workshop as a virtual meeting 16-17 November 2020. The aim is to ensure fruitful knowledge sharing and increase collaboration between the ACT funded projects and other CCUS initiatives. 

The workshop will highlight ongoing projects from the second ACT call. Projects from the first ACT call will finalise by the end of 2020 and key messages will be highlighted at a separate workshop early 2021.  

You can sign up for the workshop by entering your contact details at this registration form.

The program is listed below and is also available from this bruchure togehter with details about all ACT funded projects.

Programme ACT Knowledge Sharing Workshop

16 November - CO2 Storage

Chair: Gunter Siddiqi, DETEC 


14.00 - Welcome, Ragnhild Rønneberg, ACT Coordinator 

14.05 - Impact and added value of ACT, Vassilios Kougionas, the European Commission 

CO2 Storage session 

14.15 - SENSE – Ground surface monitoring techniques to ensure storage integrity, Bahman Bohloli, Norwegian Geotechnical Institute 

14.30 - DigiMon – New technologies for cost effective monitoring of CO2 storage sites, Arvid Nøttvedt, NORCE 

14.45 - ACTOM – Offshore CO2 storage monitoring based on advanced mathematic, Guttorm Alendal, University of Bergen 

15.00 - REX-CO2 – Re-using Existing wells for CO2 storage, Jan Hopman, TNO 

15.15 - Break

15.25 - SUCCEED - Synergetic Utilisation of CO2 storage Coupled with geothermal Energy Deployment, Sevket Durucan - Imperial College London 

Interactive session 

15.40 - Interactive session. The ACT project leaders will answer questions from the audience 

Discussion chaired by Mark Ackiewicz, US Department of Energy 

Closing session 

16.10 - Wrap up and key messages by meeting chair Gunter Siddiqi, DETEC 

17 November - CO2 Capture and utilisation

Chair: Gerdi Breembroek, RVO 


14.00 - Welcome, Ragnhild Rønneberg, ACT Coordinator 

14.05 - Keynote presentation - Large-scale CO2 capture from the AVR waste-to-energy plant in Duiven, the Netherlands, Hans Wassenaar, AVR 

CO2 Capture and utlisation session 

14.15 - AC2OCEM – Oxyfuel technologies for CO2 capture at cement plants, Jörg Maier, Universität Stuttgart 

14.30 - ANICA – Carbonate looping technologies for CO2 capture at lime and cement plants, Jochen Ströhle, Technische Universität Darmstadt 

14.45 - NEWEST-CCUS – Waste handling plants with no CO2 emissions, Romain Viguier, Scottish Carbon Capture & Storage (SCCS) 

15.00 - FUNMIN – Mineralisation of CO2 to create valuable products, Devis Di Tommaso, University of London 

15.15 - Break 

15.25 - LAUNCH – More effective amines for CO2 capture, Peter van Os - TNO 

15.40 - MemCCSea – Towards a carbon neutral ship, Georgios Skevis, CPERI/CERTH 

15.55 - PRISMA – Molecular science to design new CO2 capture solutions, Susana Garcia, Heriot-Watt University 

Interactive session 

16.10 - Interactive session. The ACT project leaders will answer questions from the audience 

Discussion chaired by Mark Ackiewicz, US Department of Energy 

Closing session 

16.40 - Wrap up and key messages by meeting chair Gerdi Breembroek, RVO