Final report from the LOUISE project
/The researchers in the ACT3 LOUISE project have studied Chemical Looping Combustion for the last three years and have many interesting results:
Successful conduction of pilot-scale tests (150 kWth and 1 MWth) of Chemical Looping Combustion (CLC) using waste feedstock.
Successful characterizations of seven potential new oxygen carrier materials (OCMs) for CLC from waste materials.
Design and layout of the reactor system, flue gas cleaning system, post-oxidation chamber, CO2 processing, and purification have been derived for a 10 MWth CLC demo plant. Additionally, a cost estimation for this plant was derived.
Business cases for CLC technology using waste as feedstock were assessed at four sites in Norway, Germany, Türkiye, and Greece considering CCS and CCU (to produce methanol, methane, or acetic acid). Economic efficiency mainly depends on CO2 certificate trade, fees for solid recoverd fuels (SRF), and electricity prices.
Life Cycle Assessments (LCA) for chosen business cases show that CLC performs well in comparison with other capture technologies (in terms of climate change). CCU for fuels and chemicals is found unfavorable if fossil electricity can be replaced in the grid (which is not specific for CLC but for CCU in general)
More details are available in the final report (download)